All recipes on flavoursofmykitchen.com have been tried & tested by us in our own kitchen. These recipes are Traditional Family Recipes.

Standard cup and spoon measures have been provided whenever possible. While we have made every effort to present accurate recipes in terms of measurement, method, and technique of cooking used, the final result of a dish greatly depends on whether the recipe has been followed in its entirety and on the variety, quantity & quality of ingredients used.

Please trust your personal judgment while using any of our recipes and adapt them to suit your tastebuds (bitter, sweet, spicy, sour, salty). Adjust the quantity of the recipe to prepare a smaller or larger portion of the dish.

If you have any queries on a particular recipe please email us at flavoursofmykitchen2019@gmail.com.

All text and photographs on this blog, unless mentioned otherwise, are © flavoursofmykitchen.com. If you wish to use my material (Text and/or photographs) please email me at flavoursofmykitchen2019@gmail.com.

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flavoursofmykitchen.com is not a participant of any affiliate advertising program at the moment.